Saturday, October 24, 2015

12 pm trip - Tammy

It's always a bit sad when the whale watching season comes to an end. But 2015 was a great year and the whales certainly didn't disappoint on our last weekend offshore. Sightings today included about 12 humpback whales (with many more in the area) and 3 finback whales.

humpback whale Etch-a-Sketch
humpback whale Banyan
Humpbacks and finbacks were traveling solo or in pairs. We started with three lone humpbacks, Etch-a-sketch, Reflection and Bayan before picking up a pair of finback whales just for one surfacing.

trio of humpback whales
We had fantastic looks at a trio of humpback whales who switched from resting behavior, to some active social behavior and back to resting. In this same area were an additional 5-8 humpbacks that we saw from a distance as well as a finback that was swimming quite fast. Whales were everywhere today! On our way home we even spotted a small group of harbor porpoise.

humpback whale group

humpback whale group
Our last trip of the year will be tomorrow, October 25, marking the end of a fantastic season. Fair winds and following seas to our whale "friends" as they prepare for their winter migration. Thanks to everyone who joined us this year! See you and the whales in April!

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Saturday, October 17, 2015 Whale Watch

  12 pm trip - Tammy

Great sightings on today's trip! We traveled to the east side of Stellwagen Bank and found 7-8 different humpback whales.
humpback whale diving
We had several sightings of different whales traveling alone and in pairs, including whales named Habenero and a mother named Hancock and her 2015 calf. Four humpback whales named Bounce, Pleats, Diablo and her calf gave us fantastic looks.

humpback whales traveling

Pleats and Bounce
We had the opportunity to see some impressive behaviors like flipper slapping from humpback mother Diablo. Her calf even joined in, flippering beside mom. One whale also showed us spyhopping or raising its head above the surface, possibly to get a better look at what's happening above.

mom flipper slapping with calf by her side

humpback whale spyhopping
Eventually this group of four split into two pairs; Pleats and Bounce and Diablo and calf swam off separately as we took our last looks. Great trip today! One last week of whale watching to go before our 2015 season comes to a close!

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Saturday, October 9, 2015 Whale Watch

12 pm trip - Tammy

Rough seas made for a tough trip today. But even though it's getting late in the season, there is still lots of activity offshore.  We traveled to Stellwagen Bank and managed to find a concentration of 4-6 humpback whales feeding with hundreds of birds including northern gannets, great sheatwaters, sooty shearwaters and gulls. 

humpback whale
Some humpbacks were kick-feeding or chin-kick-feeding to stun their prey. We identified one humpback whale as a female named Echo.

humpback whale fluking out

Hundreds of birds were feeding alongside the whales, taking advantage of the work the whales were doing to concentration the bait at the surface. Sometimes the whales would lunge mouth open. We could see the jaws and head of the animals as they strained the water out through the baleen. Humpback whale Echo even surprised us and surfaced right off the bow at one point. It was a wet and wild ride for sure, but we love great whale sightings into October!

humpback whale traveling

Monday, September 28, 2015

Saturday, September 26, 2015 Whale Watch

12 pm trip - Tammy

Fall whale watching is officially underway! Today was certainly a blustery fall day offshore, but we are savoring our last few weeks on the water until it's time to say good-bye to our whale "friends" until next year.

A single humpback whale named Music was our first sighting of the day. Music would surface for 3-5 breaths and then dive for 8-9 minutes at a time. We never got a good look at Music's fluke though, suggesting that Music was not diving very deep and maybe just preferred to stay submerged below the rough surface waters. When Music was on the surface, it was neat to this whale "surfing" over the waves.

rainbow whale!

Our second sighting was a pair of humpback whales. We identified one animal as Northstar.

humpback whale Northstar
humpback whale diving

While we waited for both whales to surface in between dives, we started noticing green bubbles appearing at on the surface. Humpback whales often use bubbles to help catch their prey and this was a sign to us that this pair was probably feeding deep. Since Northstar and friend had probably found a good prey patch below us, they weren't traveling too far during their dives. They even surprised us a couple of times when they surfaced right next to the boat!

humpback whale diving
humpbacks whales in the distance

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Saturday, September 19, 2015 Whale Watch

12 pm trip - Tammy

Today we had beautiful weather and a fantastic time with two humpback whale pairs. Both pairs were moms and their 2015 calves.

humpback whale mom and calf
  The first pair started out traveling and diving, but eventually became interested in us. Both animals gave us a close approach and seemed to be just content hanging out on our starboard side. Mom and calf both rolled over periodically, giving us great views of their long, powerful pectoral flippers.

mom and calf hanging out next to our boat
As we watched this first mom and calf, we started noticing some splashing in the distance. Once this pair had moved safely away from our boat, we made our way over to check out what caused the splashing. It turned out we had another humpback mom named Jabiru and her calf of this year. Both whales had breached previously, but started engaging in flipper slapping once we arrived.

Jabiru's calf belly up!
This pair also gave us a close approach! The calf swam right under the bow, raising its tail high in the air as it dove under us!

Jabiru's calf diving
Both Jabiru and her calf were so close to the boat that I was able to get a photo of the calf's wide-open eye. So cool! Such amazing encounters offshore today!

Jabiru's calf rolling on its side

Jabiru's calf sneaking a peak at us!

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Saturday, September 12, 2015 Whale Watch

 12 pm trip - Tammy

 Today was a beautiful day for whale watching! Our first sighting though, was of the fish variety - an ocean sunfish or Mola mola. Ocean sunfish are the largest bony fish in the world and can reach lengths of 8 feet. This fish wasn't that large, but we had nice views of this fish as it basked at the surface.

ocean sunfish
We spent the rest of our trip with a group of four humpback whales, including whales named Perseid and Komodo.
Perseid's tail
This group of four humpbacks was sub-surface feeding. The whales would come up for 2-3 breaths before diving again. They surfaced all around the boat, including right off the bow and the stern.

humpback whale off the bow
Sometimes the whales would surface together as a group and other times they would split into two pairs. Between feeding bouts the whales displayed some social behavior, including trumpeting and some rolling.  

two humpbacks
all four whales together
Great afternoon on the water!

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Saturday, September 5, 2015 Whale Watches

9 am trip - Tammy

Cool temperatures and a northeast breeze made it feel a little like fall this morning! We traveled to the east side of Stellwagen Bank where the whales were plentiful. We got to see 8-10 humpback whales on today's trip. A pair of humpbacks named Mostaza and Komodo were resting together and another humpback named Brine was traveling solo.

humpback whale off the bow
Two other baleen whale species were sighted this morning. We spotted quite a few minke whales, the smallest of the baleen whales in the Gulf of Maine. We also had a brief sighting of a finback whale, the second largest whale in the world.
minke whale
 Activity picked up a bit just before our time was up. A group of four humpbacks got together to feed using bubble clouds. In this group was an unidentified mother-calf pair. The mother humpback was doing a really neat behavior called snaking, where the head and tail of the whale are visible. This probably helps the whale strain the water out of it's mouth after feeding. Great morning offshore!

group of feeding humpbacks

humpback whale lunging

humpback whale snaking with flippers out

2 pm trip - Tammy

Stellwagen Bank was a much different place this afternoon, with calmer seas, fewer whales overall and "snoozing" humpbacks. However, we had two amazing close approachs by two different mother and calf pairs as well as a couple of minke whale sightings!

humpback mother-calf pair

calf off the bow!
 The first humpback pair was logging when we arrived. Mom continued resting below the surface most of the time, but the calf would occassionally come right over to the boat! Almost the same situation occurred with the second mother and calf pair. Both whales would log or slowly travel and the calf would get curious and come "visit" while mom was resting below the surface. What amazing encounters this afternoon!

close approaches by a humpback calf

humpback mom and calf

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Saturday, August 29, 2015 Whale Watches

9 am trip - Tammy
We headed toward the east side of Stellwagen Bank and had an exciting morning filled with feeding activity! Ten to fifteen humpbacks were spread throughout the area feeding along with at least one finback whale. We got to see whales kicking to stun bait and lunging mouth open.
humpback with mouth open
humpback whale finishing a lunge
 Two mom and calf pairs made appearances today. We got to spend time with Abrasion and calf and Cardhu and calf. Both pairs spent lots of time at the surface.

Abrasion and calf

 We had several looks at a well-known male humpback whale named Colt, one of my favorites! Colt was initially traveling and feeding alone but then he paired up with a female humpback named Samara.  Our last looks were of Colt and Samara traveling and diving together. 
humpback whale Colt
 On our way home we spotted the dorsal fin of an ocean sunfish skulling back and forth at the surface. Great views of this fish!
ocean sunfish or Mola mola

2pm trip
We started this afternoon with a pair of humpbacks that were resting.  Both animals logged side by side, just below and at the surface which allowed us just sit nearby and get excellent looks at their bodies.

humpback whales resting
  After leaving this pair, we headed to the east and eventually spotted some splashing in the distance. This splashing was actually a mother and calf humpback pair that were breaching!  Mom’s name is Cardhu and both animals breached several times.
Cardhu and calf
spinning breach!
 We also got to see flipper slapping from mom and calf as well as tail breaches and chin breaches from the calf. It’s interesting to think about what might have been going on between these two!

Cardhu (foreground) and calf flipper slapping

a look at the head and blowholes

While in this area we also had quick looks at another humpback pair passing through, as well as a minke whale. It was a fantastic afternoon of whale watching! 

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Saturday, August 22, 2015 Whale Watches

9 am trip - Tammy
This morning we headed toward Race Point, Provincetown where we found hundreds of sea birds and quite a few whales. We focused on two single humpback whales who were feeding deep in the water column.  Both animals were small, young whales. We had several good looks at each animal as well as distant looks at a group of three finback whales.
humpback whale
humpback whale diving
an unknown humpback whale's tail pattern

We then headed to the north and we came across a single finback whale. While we were only with this animal for one surfacing, this large whale traveled down the right side of our boat giving us a great look at its massive, stream-lined body.

finback whale
We ended our trip by spending some time with a pair of humpback whales, Cardhu and her 2015 calf. The calf was traveling alongside mom and even stopped to nurse for a few minutes.  We ended our trip on a good note with this special pair!
Cardhu and calf

2 pm trip - Tammy
Luckily the rain held off for most of this afternoon’s trip.  We headed to the southwest corner of Stellwagen Bank where we spotted a single humpback whale.  This humpback treated us to several spinning head breaches!
a view of a humpback whale's blowholes

We then moved on to watch a group of five humpback whales, including two mother and calf pairs. This group included Cajun and calf, Jabiru and calf and a male humpback named Pele.  We had gorgeous looks at this group as they traveled and fluked together.
humpback whale Pele fluking out
group of humpbacks

group of humpbacks diving toward the boat
On our way home we found another single humpback whale named Nile who was feeding deep. We spent a few minutes with Nile, watching her produce green bubble clouds to help capture prey and then surface through them.  It was a great afternoon trip!
Nile's fluke